We have worked hard for almost one year to bring you the long-awaited feature and improvement:
Reworked OverMint by implementing the SeaPort 1.6 protocol.
Added support for ERC-1155 standard
Added support for DOS Chain with zero gas fee for the transaction. So currently OverMint already supports Ethereum, BNB, Avalanche, and DOS.
Added support for ERC-20 tokens as payment (Ex: $HE, $SECOND)
Added a new login system using DOS ID which supports email and social login.
Bring more games to the marketplace, including MetaDOS and games from other developers
Enabled checkout with 1 transaction (transaction batching) to reduce gas fee
Improved backend services.
UI & UX Changes
Homepage: Volume stats for 1/7/30 days
NFT details page
Display list owner and list item
Added buy & sell tabs
Improved visibility for offers, listings, and history
Improved Add to Cart and Checkout page
Improved global search functionality
Added ability to edit profiles
What’s Next
Implement our DOSafe (DOS Wallet) into OverMint
Add the support to more chain
Cross-chain purchase
Thank you and looking forward to have your feedback.
WENDY - Marketing Manager.